Safeguarding Policy

Putting children first

At NPH we put children first, including in their right to protection and freedom from exploitation and abuse. Child protection is at the heart of the family childcare provided by NPH.


At NPH we practise a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination, mistreatment, sexual harassment, abuse and exploitation of children and vulnerable adults. We put in place reasonable measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults with whom we work.

Child protection in practice at NPH

NPH is committed to assuring the best possible care for children, persons with disabilities and vulnerable adults by implementing programmes and train staff responsible for the care of children, youth, persons with disabilities and vulnerable adults in the residential, family and community settings where we serve.

Child protection based on international agreements

Pedagogical, psychological and healthcare projects at NPH are all based on a series of international agreements affecting child rights and the care for persons with disabilities:

Structure and Standards

Pedagogical, psychological and medical standards are all set out in manuals. They are evaluated locally and internationally. Regular training ensures that everyone concerned is kept up to date with current standards.

Safe recruitment and vetting processes are followed for all volunteers, employees, consultants and partners.

Fundraisers will not accept donations from associations and companies whose commercial objectives are not in accordance with the vision, mission, principles, and values of NPH.

Photos and child rights

NPH follows a strict media policy to guarantee the personal rights of children and youths. Actual names are replaced with aliases in official publications. Biographical details and the medical history of children and youths are kept confidential.

Photos of children or patients not living in an NPH home, i.e. living in the community, can only be taken with the permission of a parent or guardian.

We also maintain these standards in the media and PR work of NPH. Child sponsors, donors and decision-makers are all made aware of the rights of children and youths.

Child rights training for children, youth and vulnerable adults

 NPH regularly informs children, youths and vulnerable adults in our care and community programmes about their rights, how to make a complaint and about the help available to them.

NPH has a local and international complaint system, and children and youths, as well as staff and volunteers are given annual training.

Code of behaviour (Code of conduct)

All NPH staff and volunteers are subject to a code of behaviour. It requires them to adhere to children’s rights and human rights more generally. It also commits them to protect children against any type of abuse. Educators, carers and specialized staff are present in sufficient numbers to ensure the safety and supervision of the children and youths. They are also responsible for maintaining the high quality of personal care and health care.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

NPH places a mandatory obligation on all employees, volunteers, contractors and partners to report concerns, suspicions, allegations and incidents which indicate actual or potential harm, abuse or exploitation of children, persons with disabilities and vulnerable adults.

What we mean by abuse?

Abuse can take many forms, too many to list all of them, but here are some examples:

  • Bullying, whether by other children, staff, family, visitors or volunteers
  • Children being required to do work that is unsafe.
  • Inappropriate physical contact, neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse

In short, anything that is not conducive to the safety or well-being of the child.

Reporting abuse

NPH will ensure that any allegation of sexual exploitation and/or abuse involving any of NPH’s employees, volunteers, employees of our partner fundraising organizations, consultants, representatives, and visitors will be thoroughly investigated.

Why you should report abuse

To protect children, NPH needs to know about any threat to the safety or well-being of children.

Contact us

We encourage anyone experiencing abuse or observing it to report it to us without delay. 

Complete the following form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.